Authorized Acquisitions is established in Mokena, IL.
AA expands into an additional warehouse space, doubling in size. was created to provide Customers around the world a one stop shop for surgical devices.
AA performs first ever national asset management recovery program for large medical device OEM.
AA attends the Florida International Medical Expo (FIME) for the first time in Miami, FL.
AA goes through a restructuring of management and ownership to on growth and service to our Customers.
AA completes second large OEM transaction.
AA has provided creative purchasing solutions for 2,000 medical facilities throughout the United States.
AA develops cost effective HD Surgical Camera with Integrated LED Light source for emerging medical markets. rebrands itself with new logo, typography, colors, website and vision.
AA Medical opens up office in Miami, FL. Retail includes showroom and over 30,000 square feet of space to better serve customers.
AA Medical has sold and shipped to over 150 countries.
AA makes large investment into CRM and ERP systems to increase accuracy and efficiency for Customers.
AA invests in growing its Veterinary business. Exhibits for first time at the North American Veterinary Conference in Orlando, FL.
AA exhibits at American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) in San Diego, CA.
Authorized Acquisitions crosses the $50,000,000 mark in equipment acquisitions.
AA introduces new line of Laparoscopic Instruments, scope hardware, orthopedic batteries.
AA continues to expand its International reach by exhibiting in trade shows in Dubai, Mexico and Brazil.
AA continues to increase revenue by introducing complete Arthroscopy instrument lines. Includes manual knee and shoulder sets along with ACL and trauma kits.
AA sells to 10,000th customer.
AA attends Medica in Düsseldorf, Germany to meet new Suppliers extending new product offerings.
AA Medical Store attends Arab Health in Dubai. Booth Z5.A20
AA launches the Trade-In Portal website.
AA completes partnership with Shore Capital Partners.
Authorized Acquisitions rebrands to AA Medical.